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Hey there, fellow pleasure-seeker! Today, we’re going to dive into the wonderful world of masturbation and explore how you can enjoy this delightful act without relying on porn.
Now, don’t get me wrong, in my opinion, there’s nothing wrong with watching porn! I love it and we from hornyinthejungle also review porn sites.
However, there may be situations in which you do not have access to porn, you would be better off quitting or you just want something else. In this post, I will explain to you how you can enjoy your actual masturbation session without porn.
Why Masturbate without Porn
Watching porn is very exciting and fun, and it is a very useful aurasol tool if you want to masturbate. But there could be several reasons why you need to masturbate without porn:
No Access to Pornography
Poor you! You are in a place where you have no internet connection available or you are in a place where it is not allowed or appropriate to watch.
In such cases, relying solely on porn for masturbation is impossible so it’s important to explore other ways to masturbate.
Addiction to Porn
Addictions in general can have far-reaching consequences in someone’s life and that of loved ones. A porn addiction is no exception. There’s nothing inherently wrong with watching porn from time to time. But if you spend considerable amounts of time engaging in watching porn you might have developed a reliance on it that could lead to problems.
An addiction to pornography can lead to difficulties in experiencing pleasure without porn and can even interfere with personal relationships or daily life. By practicing masturbation without porn, you are taking steps towards reclaiming control over your pleasure and breaking any addictive patterns.
Quote from John: “Things went from bad to worse. I started needing more porn and more extreme genres to get to an orgasm. Fortunately, the insight that I was starting to become addicted came right in time.”
Increase Self-awareness
Masturbating without porn can enhance your connection with your own body and increase your self-awareness.
When you rely solely on external stimuli, such as porn, you may become disconnected from real life and your own sensations and desires. This often happens to people with a negative body image, making them more susceptible to addiction.
I also recommend that you distance yourself from porn if you are insecure about your own body. Why? Because of unrealistic standards. Much of what you see on your screen is not realistic and can only make you feel more insecure. By focusing on real life contacts, having sexual relationships, physical sensations, and exploring what feels good to you individually, you can deepen your understanding of your own body and cultivate a stronger sense of self.
Relationship with your Partner
If you have a partner and your sex life is at a low ebb or your partner doesn’t like porn, then you would do better not to watch. Apart from hurt feelings, becoming an avid porn user will not improve the emotional bond and sex life you share with your current partner.
Quote from Helen: “I stopped feeling attractive to him when I kept catching him watching online porn. It was a blow to my self-confidence. Our sex life became less and less and eventually, our marriage failed because of this.”
Dislike of Porn/the Need for Something Different

If you don’t like it in the first place or you would like something different, then you have to look for alternatives. Fortunately, there are plenty of good alternatives. Please read on.
How to Masturbate Without Porn
So now that we’ve discussed the reasons why you should try masturbating without porn, let’s dive into some tips on how to do it:
1. Use Your Imagination
Without relying on porn for visual stimulation, you should let your erotic imaginations run wild. Every healthy person has the capacity for imagination. You might think you can’t, but trust me you can.
- Set the Mood: Create a comfortable and relaxing environment for yourself. Make sure you have privacy. This is most likely your bedroom, bathroom, or any other place you can’t be interrupted. Dim the lights, close the curtains, and light some candles. Now get in the position of masturbating; Sit on a chair or lie on your bed. Do everything to set the mood.
- Get in the habit of fantasizing: We humans fantasize all day long, but we do it mainly unconsciously. Without being aware of it, you have even fantasized while watching porn. Your fantasies made you look for the porn you wanted to see in the first place. And once you watched it, you probably thought what it would be like to have sex with the person(s) you saw on your screen. Now, it’s time to consciously tap into your imagination and embrace those fantasies.
- Visualize scenes: Close your eyes and visualize the scenes and scenarios that turn you on. Imagine the touch, the smell, and the sensations that come with it. Picture yourself in those situations and let your mind take you on a journey of pleasure.
- Explore different scenarios: Don’t limit yourself to just one scenario or fantasy. Experiment with different ideas and explore new scenarios that excite you. You may find that different fantasies evoke different levels of arousal and pleasure.
2. Focus on Sensations
Masturbation is not just about reaching orgasm. It’s also about exploring and enjoying the sensations that come with it. By focusing on the physical sensations, you can enhance your sexual pleasure and satisfaction without the need for porn.
- Touch yourself: Experiment with different pressures, strokes, and techniques to discover what feels best for you. Pay attention to how each touch and sensation excites you and brings you closer to climax.
- Explore other erogenous zones: Don’t limit yourself to just genital stimulation. Discover other erogenous zones on your body that can heighten your pleasure. Explore your nipples, inner thighs, neck, or any other area that feels good when touched.
- Use sexual aids: If you feel like you need a little extra stimulation, consider using sexual aids such as pocket pussies, vibrators, lubricants, or sensual oils. These can enhance the sensations and add a new dimension to your solo play.
3. Try New Types of Erotica
Do you find it difficult to get aroused without any stimulation from outside? Don’t despair! There are other ways to get in the mood, without the need for visual stimuli. Try these different kinds of erotica:
- Audio porn: Unlike visual porn, now you only have sound to masturbate to. Nevertheless, audio porn is very exciting! Probably it’s even more exciting; Just think about the times you heard the typical sex sounds like moans and panths. Your imagination probably ran wild right away. And what to think of the times you saw porn videos without sound. That was boring, wasn’t it? In short, sounds make situations more alive!
- Erotic stories: Erotic stories come in various forms these days. Of course, there are the traditional books with a cover for your shelf. However, written erotica is very popular these days on e-readers and the internet. Don’t feel like reading? Don’t worry, you can also listen to sex stories.

4. Experiment with Different Masturbation Techniques
As I mentioned above, you can turn yourself on by touching yourself and using the common ways of masturbation such as fingering yourself, clitoral stimulation, or jerking off. However, I bet there are still ways to satisfy yourself without you even trying them or knowing they existed/were possible.
Without the distraction of visual porn, you can focus more on exploring different techniques and sensations that feel pleasurable to you. I’ll mention a few for you:
- Masturbating with a shower head: Relax and enjoy the warm water when you take a shower. But did you know that you can also masturbate with a shower head? Give it a try.
- Humping: Give yourself an orgasm by rubbing against a pleasurable surface like a pillow or sex toy. And the beauty: you don’t have to go naked!
- Masturbate anally: Many of us would like to have anal sex. Explore your little star and discover new pleasures to satisfy yourself anally.
- Condom masturbation: Not only a useful contraceptive, but you can also enjoy masturbating with it. It’s quite exciting and it’s good practice if you’re going to have safe sex (again).
5. Watch your Partner
Sure, this suggestion is only useful if you actually have a sexual partner. And no, this is not about having sex or mutual masturbation. You still go solo. But instead of looking at your screen, you are now looking at a real person:
- Let your partner strip: Who doesn’t want a stripping partner? It’s really exciting and you don’t need a strip pole for it.
- Masturbate together: This is in line with an undressing partner. Sit opposite or next to your partner and turn each other on by watching each other masturbate. As a variation, I recommend that you talk about your sexual experiences and fantasies with each other. It can get really exciting, especially if you agree not to touch each other.
You will notice that the attention you pay to each other will make your sex life and your relationship better.
How to Masturbate without porn: FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)
I have a porn addiction. What should I do?
First of all, addictions in general aren’t bad as long as they don’t bother you or your loved ones around you. If your addiction is not advanced, you might recover from it by using the tips I have given you in this blog post.
However, if you’re an excessive porn user who can’t get rid of your addiction, I recommend you seek help to make changes. It is important to understand that addiction is a complex issue and seeking help from a sex therapist, counselor or shrink can be very beneficial.
In the meantime, I advise you to limit your exposure to triggers by limiting your internet and TV usage if that’s possible. And please don’t be ashamed! You reached out for help and that is the first step for healing.
I like to fantasize about other people while masturbating. Is that wrong?
No, definitely not. Fantasizing about other people is one of the most common sexual fantasies. It’s your fantasy and it’s happening in your head. There are also many people who are in relationships and sometimes fantasize about someone else. What you actually do with it is your own responsibility.
In this post, I have mentioned several reasons why you should masturbate without porn. But whatever the reason, that won’t stop you from enjoying your solo session any less.
Try using your imagination, focusing on new sensations, or using other types of erotica. I also recommend that you try masturbating in a different way or using your partner.
With these suggestions, it’s almost impossible that you won’t enjoy porn-free masturbation.
If you have any questions, please send a message or leave a comment.